my little corner of the world

jackie miller : : graphic design + whatnot

Customer Intelligence + Market Research

Home Visits

I was chosen to be part of a team to implement a new program geared toward gathering specific market relevant information called “Home Visits”.  Using our database of IKEA Family members, homes were carefully selected to host a visit from IKEA co-workers to determine firsthand what home furnishing challenges and solutions there are in the Metro Boston Market. I designed the pre-screen questionnaires and the interview sheets so that we could get consistent findings regardless of who was sent out to conduct the visit. I also designed the thank you card holder as a way to show our appreciation for those who hosted a Home Visit.

A board was created for the co-worker hallway in order to recruit participants and also share the information gathered from Home Visits. The board featured an explanation of the program, space to share photos and other information gathered from recent visits as well as ballots and a ballot box so co-workers could either sign up for a visit or nominate other people to host a visit in order to get a wide variety of living situations in the local market.

In-store surveys

In an effort to collect even more market-relevant data from IKEA Stoughton customers, I designed these in-store surveys. They were geared toward the core areas of the home (Living Room, Bedroom + Kitchen) where customers spend more time shopping and therefore were able to spend time answering the survey. The information gathered was combined with the results of other local market research efforts to help form the Business Plan, Communication Strategy + Marketing Timeline for IKEA Stoughton for the next fiscal year. We were also able to submit our findings to the IKEA Service Office to help inform the business plan for the US organization as a whole.